Are you trying to make a Virgo man fall in love with you?
If so, you should know that when it comes to dating, the Virgo man can seem a little reserved. He’ll take his time to get to know you and won’t be so quick as to offer up his love in return.
Ways To Make A Virgo Man Fall In Love
Virgo men are a bit unique when it comes to love because they are very guarded with their emotions. They want to make sure you are genuine in who you are saying you are; they need to know that your feelings are the real deal. If your man likes to talk about his feelings, you are ahead of the game, but many men are hesitant because they fear rejection.
A Virgo man will fall in love with you if you show him you are honest about your feelings. He doesn’t want to love someone who is pretending to be a person they are not. If you want to know how to block other women and get a Virgo guy interested in you alone, get inside his mind with a guide like Anna Kovach’s Virgo Man Secrets.
Love can change things in a relationship fast and easily, but a Virgo man doesn’t take this feeling lightly. When he says he has fallen in love with you, make sure you feel the same way before just “saying it back.” You don’t want to mislead the man when you do not feel the same way!
As we look at the ways to make a Virgo man fall in love today, you may find there’s a lot of material in this article. It’s because I want you to have a fighting chance at success!
What Is A Virgo Man Like?
According to Cosmopolitan, Virgo men are dedicated, hardworking creatures, unlike any other. They are often reserved with their feelings because they are fearful of rejection. This can make it difficult if you are trying to date a Virgo, as he won’t just open up like a book. Instead, you will need to gently guide him to the point where he is comfortable with you and his feelings.
Virgos are also quite loyal; once you’ve become an important part of their lives, you can bet that they will always be there for you – through rain or shine. You’ve made a best friend for life, but be careful. Any dishonesty can make them think that you are not genuine about your feelings for them. Once you’ve burned bridges with a Virgo man, it’s hard to get things back on track.
A Virgo man is very intelligent and logical; he likes to know why you are doing the things you do. He is very thoughtful and will always put his woman first. He’s not overly social, so when he does ask you out on a hot date, make sure you look your best. Usually, on dates, a Virgo wants to show you off to the public; after all, he’s proud of the hottie he’s won over!
Who Is A Virgo Man Attracted To?
Read more: 15 Ways A Virgo Man Test You
Since a Virgo man is looking for someone who is genuine and true to her nature, you can bet that he will be attracted to a woman who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. That doesn’t mean you should blurt out every thought that goes inside of your head but be honest, and you’ll win him over. There’s no point in lying who you are; he’ll find out the truth one way or another.
Since he is a perfectionist, you should know that he will be hardest on himself, so there’s no reason to harp on past issues. He’s already beating himself up about it! To make him fall harder for you, show him the reasons he was attracted to you in the beginning. Make a Virgo man remember how hot you looked when you met or how kind you were to strangers.
Win A Virgo Man’s Heart: 15 Best Dating Tips for Beginners!
1. Open Up To Him
One of the best ways to get your Virgo man to fall in love with you is to get him to open up about his feelings. He will only feel comfortable doing this if you are sharing your feelings with him, as well. Try playing a good old fashioned game of “Truth or Dare.” Reveal intimate details and show him your sensitive side.
2. Have A Good Time
One of the most positive ways you can make a Virgo man fall head over heels in love with you is to be a fun person to be around. Have a sense of humor, and show him you can be silly or funny about the little stuff. He wants someone he enjoys being around. If you want to make a Virgo man fall hard, show that you can have a blast! Smile!
3. Be Honest And Genuine About Who You Are
Make a Virgo man love you to death with your honesty and integrity. If you have met your Virgo through a dating website or another way online (or via text messages), you may not feel love at first sight, but that doesn’t mean you can’t fall for someone over technology; zodiac signs are ruling in terms of mastering the ways to fall in love online.
You can catch his attention and make him fall for you via social media or through text messaging! It is a real possibility! Just wow him with your tech skills by sending him hilarious memes or sexy selfies (once in a while, not too frequently). You could even write him a good old email or letter. However, you get him to like you, be honest.
For a Virgo man, dishonesty or misrepresentation are the worst! Virgo men want women who aren’t afraid to show their scales even if that means they may not win hearts every time. Be real about who you are, and you’ll do just fine! A Virgo man likes it when you open up about your flaws and all; you never know; he may fall even harder for you!
4. Be Loyal To Him
You may have trouble proving loyalty if your relationship with a Virgo man is new, but you can talk about your past experiences. Explain how you were there for a friend when he or she needed you the most. You don’t have to brag or anything like that, but to make a Virgo man fall for you, you need to be a little vulnerable and show you can commit.
5. Don’t Be Critical Or Negative
Virgos are very hard on themselves; they do tend to be perfectionists. Nothing they do can measure up to their expectations of themselves, so ease up on the criticism or negativity. You want him to think of you and have positive emotions associated with that thought, not a nagging woman he’s in a relationship with. Be the good part of his life!
6. Bring Out The Best In Him
Encourage your Virgo man to be the best version of himself that he can be. This man will be crazy about you if you can pull this off. It’s not always the easiest thing to do, especially if he is very hard on himself. Remember all the reasons you fell for him, and remind him of those wonderful qualities that he still possesses.
If you want an easy road map back into your Virgo man heart, we highly recommend using Anna Kovach’s tried-and-tested techniques inVirgo Man Secrets.
7. Don’t Be A Slob
A Virgo man is well organized, neat, and tidy, so don’t just leave trash everywhere or dirty dishes all over your house or apartment. Treat it with care because you never know when he’ll pop in for a visit. Remember, he’s particular with things, so he doesn’t want to see dirty clothes over your lamps or food on the floor. Make your place beautiful.
It won’t only impress him, but you’ll feel better about yourself in a clean environment, too. A Virgo man is very orderly and loves to take on projects, but that doesn’t mean you need to be a “fixer-upper.” You want to be a solution in his life, not a messy project he has to fix! Don’t be someone you are not, but don’t be a complete slob, either.
Read more: How to Get Virgo Man to Chase You
8. Appreciate The Things He Does For You
Virgos love to help out their girlfriends and wives. They want to be there for you when you need them. Men love to feel needed and wanted, so it’s great if you have this man already helping you out. It shows he cares about your wellbeing and wants to be the man you call on when you need something. But what does this man need in return?
First, of course, make sure you act lovingly toward him when he does nice things for you. If you want a repeat performance by this man, make certain you are sweet the first time around. A Virgo man likes to know his efforts mean something to you and your life.
Second, for all zodiac signs, you should try to do what you can yourself. You don’t need to go crying over every broken fingernail, especially if there’s nothing he can do to help. Finally, and most importantly, be appreciative. Tell him you are thankful for the help he’s given you, and explain that you are always here if he needs anything. That’s sweet!
9. Don’t Be Lazy
Virgos tend to be a little high-strung with lots of energy to spare. If you want to attract a Virgo man, you need to show you can run with the best of them! Keep your energy level high and enjoy the time you spend with your Virgo man.
10. Tell Him You Are Proud Of Him
You can make any man fall in love with you with this trick. Although it’s technically a trick, it’s a great way to make a man fall in love; just tell him how far along you’ve seen him come. Explain the virtues he possesses that impress you the most. He will be wrapped around your finger after that because you have given him the boost of a lifetime.
11. Don’t Downplay Your Intelligence
A Virgo man looks for a woman that has the smarts. He’s an intelligent guy, after all, and wants to be with a person he can have an intellectual conversation with. Be sure to not downplay your intelligence, even if you are only street smart. You don’t need to play the dumb blonde role with this man! He wants to see what’s inside your head!
12. Be Agreeable, Not Argumentative
A Virgo man is often stubborn or set in his ways. You may find this to be a difficult trait to live with over time, but if you want to have him in your life, you need to work with him, not against him. Rather than debating over the tiniest details in life, choose to be an agreeable person – someone who looks for common ground when in a relationship.
If you want to avoid making the Big Mistakes that drive a Virgo man away, learn to read his mind with an expert guide like Anna Kovach’sVirgo Man Secrets.
13. Know When To Let Things Go
There’s no reason to harp on issues when it comes to making a Virgo man fall in love with you. He definitely won’t find that attractive and certainly won’t fall in love with you if you nag him all the time. True, this is usually the case with any guy, but Virgos really hate women who aren’t able to let the little stuff go. Don’t get stuck in the past!
14. Don’t Force Him To Go Out All The Time
Your Virgo man enjoys spending one-on-one time with you; he doesn’t want to fall in love with someone who makes him go to social functions all the time. He enjoys staying in and spending alone time, so when it comes to your Virgo, you should gauge his comfort level when it comes to going out. Does he seem to like to stay home more?
15. Encourage Him To Shoot For The Stars
If you want to make a man fall head over heels for you, the best thing you can do is to encourage him to reach his full potential. For a Virgo man, this is especially true because he is passionate about what he does. Encourage him with his career and hobbies to get his feelings for you to grow into mad, passionate love! It’s golden!
To Sum Things Up…
Are you dating a Virgo man and feel confused? Are you trying to get a Virgo man to fall in love with you? What tips have worked for you? I’d love to hear more about how things are going for you! Please comment, and share this article with someone!
Does it feel like pulling teeth getting him to say how he feels about you?
Some men can be very gaurded and closed when it comes to expressing how they feel – it can almost feel like they are pulling away from you. Many women make the mistake of pushing their man to say how they feel, but this is actually one of the worst things you can do as it can push him away further.
If you want to make sure a Virgo man returns to your arms, read Relationship Astrologer Anna Kovach’s guide Virgo Man Secrets.
To get him to really show you how he feels and communicate how much he appreciates you, there’s one simple thing, although often overlooked, thing you can say to him today that taps into how men are wired and can often lead to them suddenly pouring their heart out.