What can you do if you suspect a guy might be secretly interested in you to find out for sure? Fortunately, a male will often show hints that he is interested in someone. Pay close attention to his body language, his tone of voice, and how he acts around you. Continue reading to get a comprehensive list of indications that a guy is secretly into you so you can decide when to approach him.

Signs A Man Likes You

Asking the guy in question directly is the best method to find out, especially if you have a crush on him. Here are a few ways to detect if a guy likes you if you want to first make sure there are at least a few signals he likes you back.

But let me just quickly address the question of whether the indications of attraction differ for men: According to sex and relationship expert Myisha Battle, M.S., “There are general behaviors that people of both genders engage in naturally when they are interested in someone else.” We are more similar than different when it comes to expressing romantic interest.

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Top 17 Subtle Signs A Man Likes You!

Read more: Top 21 Reasons Why I Love You To the Moon and Back

1. When speaking to you, he leans in your direction.

According to Battle, individuals naturally gravitate toward someone they enjoy in discussion. When the guy you like is talking to you or listening to you talk, he may be interested in you if he leans his face in closer to yours.

2. He moves toward you in the space by angling his body.

A person displays more open body language with someone they like, according to sex and relationship therapist Courtney Geter, LMFT, CST: “They’re not locked up, their arms aren’t crossed, and they can sit back and relax,” she recently told mbg. Pay attention to how his body is angled, in particular. It’s a good indicator if his torso is facing you and is tilted toward you, including his shoulders and pelvis. However, if he frequently turns his body away from yours, that may indicate that he is not interested in you.

3. He pays you little compliments.

According to Battle, people frequently think of tiny methods to express their interest in someone. Therefore, it may be a sign they’re really into you if a guy keeps honestly complimenting you on anything from your eyes to your artistic activities.

4. He looks you in the eye.

Be cautious with this one, though: Some people are good at making eye contact with anyone and everyone they talk to because they care about making the people around them feel visible. Eye contact can be a sign of desire. However, if your crush has a tendency to retain your stare and look you in the eye, that can be a hint that there is something more going on.

5. He stealthily casts you a peek.

Even if he makes eye contact with everyone he converses with, it may be a different issue if you often catch him staring at you from across the room. Stealthy looks are a typical indication that someone is just a bit enamored of you.

6. In a crowd, he singles you out.

He still finds a way to have intimate moments with you even when you’re around other people, whether it’s by directly questioning you or simply listening to what you say. He always laughs at your jokes, makes small talk with you whenever he can, or looks at you even when he’s laughing at someone else’s joke.

7. He appears attracted to you in the space.

His focus, body language, and overall energy all seem to be kind of focused on you. He just seems to be energetically drawn to you in the room. There seems to be the impression that he is paying attention to you even when he is talking to someone else.

8. He desires one-on-one time with you.

If this guy is a friend of yours, someone from your office or class, or just someone you occasionally run into at parties, and he keeps looking for opportunities to spend time with you alone, that’s a sign that he wants to get to know you better personally. That might just be the beginning of a friendship, but it could also indicate that he has romantic feelings for you.

9. He touches you in subtle ways.

He always looks for opportunities to make physical contact with you, whether it be by placing his hand on the small of your back as he walks by, jokingly bumping into you, or playing with your hair.

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Signs A Man Likes You

10. He arranges dates in advance.

It can be challenging to determine whether a man you meet on a dating app has genuine feelings for you or is merely acting casually. According to Battle, the key indicator is whether he is actively setting up dates and making plans. That typically indicates that he genuinely likes you and wants to keep in touch, and there might even be more going on than you think.

11. Following the date, he follows up.

Battle adds that if you just went on a date with this person, you can tell if they are actually interested in you if they follow up with you. They might text you the following day to let you know they had a great time, or they might send you a meme or article about something you discussed, or they might get in touch with you to set up another date.

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12. He always communicates clearly.

Do they frequently text you and maintain contact? According to Battle, “Communication consistency is a great indicator of interest.” A person who is genuinely interested in you won’t disappear for extended periods of time before reappearing mysteriously.

13. He answers your texts right away.

Just because someone doesn’t text you back right away doesn’t mean they aren’t interested in you. Some people simply don’t check their phones that frequently, are slow texters, or are just extremely busy. However, Battle claims that if a guy always replies to your texts fairly quickly, they might be attempting to convey their interest in you.

14. He strikes up a discussion on social media.

It’s not always the case that a guy who likes your posts and comments on them is into you, but according to Battle, you should take note if he consistently starts real conversations with you online. They “won’t just like and comment on your posts, but they’ll also share things with you and stay in regular DM contact,” she claims. He is genuinely attempting to build a relationship with you if he is consistently commenting on your Instagram or Snapchat stories, asking you questions, and generally maintaining conversations with you.

15. He carries on the conversation.

Observe whether he generally tries to continue conversations with you, whether over text or in person. That means he’ll never answer your questions with just one word answers or “lol” by itself; instead, he’ll always ask a follow-up question or provide thorough answers.

16. He flushes in your vicinity.

Do you notice that whenever he is near you, his face or skin becomes red? According to clinical psychologist Mary C. Lamia, Ph.D., that occurs when we’re excited or experiencing an adrenaline rush and is a typical sign of attraction. She claims that blushing is an honest response. You feel “caught” acting erotically ecstatic toward another person.

17. He exhibits some nervousness.

It may be a sign that he likes you and is trying a little too hard to impress you if a guy is typically pretty laid back or boisterous with his friends but becomes a little nervous and stumbles over his words around you.

Want to fully understand his feelings? Query him!

Keep in mind that sometimes asking him directly or letting him know that you like him is the best way to find out if he likes you. Playing games is really for no reason at all.

The perplexing aspect, though, is that he might not even be aware of the solution. Compared to women, men have different wiring. And when it comes to relationships, they are motivated by different things.

Signs in Body Language

Really getting to know someone is a little more difficult than just making forced small talk about the weather, whether you’re on a first date or trying to assess the vibe of your current relationship. In fact, experts say that the key to determining a guy’s level of interest in you is to pay attention to his (or her! or their!) body language. Body language expert and certified life coach Naz Brown says that 55% of communication is nonverbal, 38% is vocal, and only 7% is spoken. “If we only believe what people are saying, we would only know 7% of the story.”

Basically, consider body language as the doorman to someone’s most private thoughts. Some people aren’t very open about their thoughts and feelings, especially if they are romantic in nature. Traci Brown, a body language expert, claims that understanding physical cues can help you determine what is going through someone else’s mind. The body is unable to lie. Words can,” the speaker says. Because some people are better at expressing their emotions subtly—through hand gestures, head tilts, etc.—than verbally, the truth usually comes out. According to Brown, the body will always reveal what isn’t being said, and in any relationship, you want to know that.

Now, ideally, your prospective partner will express their feelings to you. Body language interpretation cannot compete with someone speaking the truth in honesty. Unfortunately, some people struggle to understand their *own* feelings, while others move more slowly in relationships, so it might take some time to wait for that verbal affirmation. But that doesn’t imply that it’s a guessing game. When attempting to determine someone’s level of interest, there are actually a variety of different cues and body language you should be aware of.

How Do You Respond?

Your behavior is what’s required for things to advance to the next stage, which in this case would be a first date. He won’t ask you out if he doesn’t feel comfortable approaching you.

You can express your liking for him in the following ways. He will begin to pull away if you keep him at a distance and ignore him when he notices you. He will feel unwelcome in your company if you are constantly busy and can’t put your phone down to talk to him.

But if you start dropping hints, he’ll probably notice them if you do. Keep the lines of communication open if you like a guy. Ask him questions to learn more about him. Do you want your man to become spellbound by the very sight of You! For more in-depth training and solution to get your man be devoted and committed to you and only you, we recommend Amy North’s Devotion system, check it out by clicking on the link.

Display your interest in what he has to say and his interests as much as he is in yours. This demonstrates that you are paying attention. Don’t go overboard. Observe his lead. If he drops hints about being interested in you, give them back; otherwise, you risk moving too quickly.

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