Do you regret breaking up with a wonderful Taurus? Are you attempting to re-enter his life in any way?
Maybe you’re trying to figure out how to get this sign back into your life? This expert guide like Anna Kovach’s Taurus Man Secrets will teach you the secrets to the root of your Taurus man’s deepest desires and his true way of thinking, feeling, and communicating. The discovery of this new knowledge will help you to speak his language and talk directly to his core being. Click on the link give to learn more.
Congratulations if so! There is no better place on the internet for you to be. 33 tried-and-true strategies are provided in this manual for getting your Taurus ex-boyfriend back.
What Kind Of Man Is A Taurus In A Relationship?
Taurus men prioritize material possessions and seek security. They are very tactile and enjoy utilizing their senses to discover. As a result, they enjoy kissing and cuddling and are okay with public shows of affection.
Men in Taurus frequently have a large number of female pals. This is in part because they are understanding and patient, but primarily because Venus, the feminine planet, rules this earth sign.
That is not to imply that Taurus doesn’t have a manly side. The Taurus man, symbolized by the Bull, epitomizes the manly guy. If you disagree with a Taurus partner, you will have your work cut out for you because they are stubborn, possessive, and unyielding.
In a nutshell, that is the Taurus man. If ever I witnessed a paradoxical person, this is it. He can be sympathetic, affectionate, and gentle on the one hand, yet stubborn, spiteful, and direct on the other.
But I assume you already are aware of that. You’ve come to this page to learn how to win back your Taurus boyfriend. Fortunately, Taurus men are rather frank about their feelings and fundamental wants.
The typical Taurus man is not a cunning Scorpio with a secret motive. The mercurial Gemini man likes to play mind games and throw word salad at you, but Taurus doesn’t do either. What you see is what you get with a Taurus man.
How To Win Back Your Taurus Ex-Boyfriend
Taurus men are immensely sensuous, attractive, and down to earth, as anyone who has dated one will attest. So it’s difficult to break up with them.
You need to understand what makes your Taurus man tick in the first place if you want to know how to win him back. I found a way to read a guy who was like a brick wall. I found out what he actually wants and how he is really feeling. And this knowledge completely saved our relationship. If you want to avoid the grave mistakes that drive a Taurus man away, learn to read his mind with an expert guide like Anna Kovach’sTaurus Man Secrets.
1. Wait a bit before interfering with him
If you’re serious about winning back your Taurus man, my first bit of advice is to give him some space. Taurus men should not be rushed. Have you ever attempted to coerce a bull into moving in a direction it didn’t want to? You are not allowed to call him or continuously text or call him. Let him reflect on the situation alone. A Taurus man’s opinion cannot be altered.
Keep in mind that these men are exceedingly stubborn. The harder they dig their heels in, the more you press.
2. Question his buddies about how he is feeling.
You must ascertain whether there is a likelihood for you two to reconcile after the breakup. You’ll gain a better understanding of his situation if you ask his buddies to be honest with you about how he is handling it. Can you still be friends with your Taurus ex if you upset them?
3. If required, express regret
You can more easily decide whether to apologize if you learn through his friends that he is furious with you. Have you done something for which you ought to apologize? Will you accept my apology? If you weren’t at fault for the breakup, resist the need to apologize. This is a ruse that a Taurus man will recognize, and it will only enrage him.
4. Admit your mistakes.
A sincere admission of your mistakes is the one thing that will, after a breakup, win your Taurus ex back. Taurus places the most priority on honesty. They value someone who raises their hands and says, “You know what? I fully accept responsibility for this.
Taurus men are unyielding in their resolve, but they are also receptive and don’t look to others to bear the brunt of their mistakes.
Read more: Taurus Man Secrets Book Reviews
5. Make a behavior change offer
Recognizing unhealthy behavior and seeking assistance in altering it are mature actions. You might ask your ex Taurus man for advice on how to mend your relationship if you are the one who caused it to fail. He will interpret this as a sign that the connection can advance and deepen.
6. Don’t anticipate him to alter
Taurus has a lot of positive traits, but they also have some drawbacks. They can be a little stubborn, as I may have said before. To say this is to understate. Even if Taurus is doing something wrong, changing their behavior can be quite difficult to achieve. Until he decides it’s time to change, Taurus will stick to his guns.
This is annoying. Therefore, I would suggest exercising caution if you want your Taurus man back, especially if he has some bad habits.
7. Inform him that you only want to listen.
It’s been stated that there are four words that every man in a relationship hates to hear: “We need to talk.” Taurus males are particularly affected by this.
When they are no longer in the relationship, they are most definitely not going to express any desire in speaking. Tell him you’d want to listen to him instead of asking him to talk. He can talk about his emotions in this way, and men tend to view this as being more proactive.
8. Remain composed and avoid agitating the issue.
The matador is calm and moves purposefully slowly as he approaches a bull in the ring. He waits to provoke the bull until he is prepared. The bull won’t charge until he deploys the muleta with the crimson cloth. Your bull should be cool-headed and prepared to converse or listen. You don’t want to irritate him.
9. Taurus guys enjoy receiving compliments.
Showing your Taurus ex-boyfriend how much you value him may be the greatest strategy if you genuinely want to bring him back into your life. You can achieve this by praising his actions, appearance, or an activity he is engaged in. His masculine Taurus pride will be boosted by this, and he’ll become more interested in you.
Better yet, make an effort to win over his protective side. Men in Taurus, in particular, enjoy taking care of their partners. They sometimes hold sexist beliefs about gender roles.
10. Avoid becoming needy
The paradox of Taurus men is that while they can exhibit male gender stereotypes, they also dislike dependent women. You must therefore strike the appropriate balance between being a powerful, independent woman and wanting her Taurus man’s protective arms to be there for her when she needs them.
Show him that you want a connection with him and that you don’t need him. You can manage just well without him. He is someone you select to be in your life. If Taurus feels you are too clingy, he will swiftly lose interest.
Read more: What To Do If A Taurus Man Is Angry With You
11. Express your emotions openly.
Men in Taurus value honesty. They detest frauds, liars, and nonsense of all kinds. He can open up to you and start to trust you if you are honest and up forward about how you feel. Keep in mind that Taurus is open to having important, in-depth conversations as long as they are genuine.
12. But also be realistic and reasonable.
Ever notice a bull sobbing quietly to himself in a field? I don’t, either. Taurus can experience intense emotions, but they prefer to physically express them. For instance, Taurus believes that using sex to link the bodies enables better emotional connection. Let’s look at another zodiac sign instead: Scorpio.
Scorpio thinks that people can only explore the physical side of sex after making an emotional connection. Prove to your Taurus man that you are a more sensible person and that you can be reasonable about the split.
Big emotional outbursts will probably scare him off.
13. Don’t be coy about your goals.
There’s an adage that goes, “A bull in a china shop.” Actually, a bull is never subtle, no matter what the circumstance. I’m trying to say to you that bulls don’t pick up on small cues. Don’t give him any indication that you want him back. He won’t understand. Text him and say, “I want us to get back together,” if you want a Taurus man to text you back.
14. Allow him some quiet time to reflect.
When it comes to choosing a partner, your Taurus man is slow to make decisions. In this way, he resembles Capricorn somewhat. Both are earth signs who must be completely certain before making a commitment. But once they do, they are devoted and will cherish that connection for the rest of their lives. So allow him some time to think things through.
15. Make him feel good
You must keep in mind what first piques Taurus’s interest if you want to win him back. Their senses are in charge of Taurus. This indicates that they enjoy smelling people thoroughly. Put on your favorite cologne and breeze past him in a club.
16. Inspire him with memories of your former union.
Being an earth sign, Taurus values security. They may not need the familiar as much as Capricorn or Cancer do, but they do feel the need to be surrounded by it. Taurus is the star sign that is most prone to romanticizing previous relationships.
He’ll portray your time together in a totally different light after enough time has gone. By sharing pictures of the activities you did together, you can encourage him to reflect on your relationship’s positive moments before it ended. Text him “jokes” or music videos that you both enjoy.
17. Avoid bringing up old disagreements
Taurus enjoys reflecting on the past and savoring the comfort of fond recollections. They do not, however, enjoy being reminded of prior disputes. Actually, scrap that; no man enjoys revisiting past disagreements.
Women refer to it as unresolved issues, while males term it nagging. No of how you feel about prior disagreements, avoid bringing them up after a split. Your ex-boyfriend won’t be interested in learning about them. He’ll feel assaulted and immediately put himself on the defensive.
18. Don a tactile item.
When coping with a breakup, women occasionally need to be a little cunning. Taurus is the most tactile of all the Zodiac sign stars. Therefore, if you do obtain a date, dress in something he’ll want to touch.
The feel of a silk gown against your flesh won’t be anything he can resist. He’ll want to put his arm around you and cuddle up next to that velvet outfit. Your task is to capitalize on his flaws.
19. Propose to look after him
Being an Earth Sign, a Taurus man is aware of the material and physical world. If you do simple things for him to ease his burden, he will appreciate it. Offer to assist organize the space if you are at his home.
Maybe you could cook him his favorite dish from when he was a kid. If everything is going well, you may perhaps give him a nice massage. He will undoubtedly recall your soothing, pleasant touch for the entire coming week, I can assure you of that. He might not express his gratitude out loud, but you can bet he will notice.
20. Pay attention to your career.
It may seem contradictory to concentrate on your work, but you must keep in mind what Taurus finds alluring. Imagine the bull in the arena, poised for battle. He will simply move on to the next matador if he can trample you underfoot.
Bulls expect respect, but they also value independence and strength in a person. Bulls need a companion who is as as fierce and hardworking as they are. They are aspirational and value the security that a lucrative career offers. Show him that you are a businesswoman who succeeds on your own.
21. Display your feminine side
Taurus guys adore feminine and attractive women. They avoid trying to look tomboyish. Yes, they support equal rights and are wholly contemporary men in that regard. A lovely tea dress is a surefire winner when it comes to turning them on, though.
After a breakup, how do you win a Taurus man back?
Be open and honest with your ex-Taurus partner at all times. Without drama or exaggerated emotion, express your feelings to him, and then give him some time to reflect. Don’t try to rush him; Taurus men are known for being obstinate. If you have acted improperly, apologize and offer to make amends. This will demonstrate to him that you are a capable and independent spouse.
When you offer a Taurus man a reason to miss him, getting him back is rather simple. If you’re always nearby, he won’t be able to miss you.
So go away from him for a while. You are aware that everything will work out as it should. Nobody can change their destiny.
Don’t cry because you believe it to be over. Instead, seize every opportunity that may come your way right now. Is it really possible to get a Taurus man to chase you, even if both of you don’t seem really compatible? Get in-depth training from our friend and relationship astrologer Anna Kovach’sTaurus Man Secrets. This exact knowledge can help you capture your Taurus man’s heart and make him fall deeply in love with you (even if your situation seems hopeless).