Before you came along, your partner had a whole life, complete with embarrassing incidents, tremendous accomplishments, and unsuccessful relationships. You’ll need to know what questions to ask if you want to discover more about his past and what makes him tick.

88 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

Table of Contents

You must be open and honest with each other about anything and everything in order to have a good relationship. It makes no difference if you’re on your first date or have previously moved in together.

Our friend and relationship expert Amy North is teaching a magical set of words that will force any man to feel a level of desire for you beyond Love. The moment you said this magical set of words to a man, he will feel an emotional connection to you so powerful and his heart will be bound to you and only you. Click on the link to check it out for yourself.

Over 88 questions to ask your lover, ranging from serious and romantic to fun and sweet, are included in this article. These questions are a great approach to open up dialogue, establish intimacy, and get to know your spouse better whether you’ve been together for six weeks or six years.

88 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

It’s crucial to know if you and your boyfriend share the same values, want the same kind of life, and want the same type of relationship if your relationship is getting serious. Knowing about his prior troubles and how he prefers to be treated in a relationship is also beneficial. The following critical questions to ask your partner will provide you with the information you require and will assist you in getting to know him better.

1. What would you do if you had a get out of jail free card?

One of the most enjoyable questions to ask your guy. Hypotheticals are an excellent technique to gain insight into a person’s darkest thoughts. You’ll discover stuff about him that you wouldn’t have known otherwise. They are frequently used as conversation starters.

2. Have you ever texted the wrong number while inebriated?

A humorous question to ask your guy that has been around for a long time. Did he ever send the boss a text complaining about his supervisor? Or was it a message from his ex to his mother?

3. What do you think you’d be nominated for a major award for?

Is it the Nobel Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, or an Academy Award? Is he a Grammy’s kind of guy, or is he a Grammy’s kind of guy? It’s one of the entertaining questions to ask your partner to get a sense of his hidden desires and fantasies.

4. How would you react if a guy approached you in a pub and asked for your phone number?

This is one of those hilarious questions to ask your guy that will elicit equally hilarious reactions. He might even have a story or two to tell.

Do you desire the type of relentless devotion that you only see in romance novels and Hollywood movies? Now you can, by learning this system and guide from our friend and relationship expert Amy North! Do this, and the thought of leaving you for another woman will be completely unimaginable to your man.

5. What’s the most heinous thing you’ve ever done?

This is one of the most unusual questions to ask your guy, and it is sure to make him laugh. This question is both amusing and bizarre. Be prepared to hear some really terrible information.

6. Which vegetable would you choose if you could be any?

You don’t have to ask him serious, in-depth questions all of the time. These amusing questions to ask your lover will lighten the mood considerably.

7. What is the strangest circumstance you’ve ever encountered?

We’ve all witnessed strange things in our lives: parents making out, a sibling caught in the act, someone undressing… One of the funniest questions to ask your partner is to inquire about his personal life. There will be some amusing revelations as a result.

8. What animal represents you?

This is one of the more entertaining questions to ask your lover on the spur of the moment. Quirky questions like these are usually useful when you want to brighten the mood of a conversation.

9. What title would you give a film about our love story if it were made?

Another amusing and odd question to pose to your lover. His remark can take you completely by surprise. This is one of the questions you should ask a guy you like to see if he likes you back!

10. Which show do you find yourself binge-watching over and over again?

Which do you prefer: Friends or Seinfeld? Grey’s Anatomy or Game of Thrones? Westworld or Star Trek? Find out where he stands on issues.

11. What is your naughty indulgence?

Is he a guy who, when he’s alone, enjoys watching sitcoms or romantic comedies? Or when he has his earbuds on, he listens to love songs?

12. What is the one thing you never leave home without?

Do you want to know if he’s a low-maintenance guy or not? This query will reveal the solution, and the answer will be loud and plain. You’ll want to know about this one, believe us.

13. When we initially started dating, did you think our relationship would last?

Do you want to ask your lover some strange questions? Make sure this one is on the list, and watch your guy fidget in his seat, unsure how to answer.

14. As a kid, what was your favorite television show?

Inquire about his taste in music and movies. This may seem like a silly question to ask your lover, but if you’re both around the same age, it can give you something new to talk about.

15. Do you have a preference towards cats or dogs?

Another important question to ask your lover during the getting to know each other phase is this one. Cats, dogs, or no pets at all preferences sometimes be deal breakers in relationships, especially if one of you is a die-hard animal lover.

16. What is the one pet name that makes you feel self-conscious?

The key is to keep things interesting. What better way to accomplish this than by inquiring about his humiliating pet names. It equips you with the tools you need to annoy your lover in a humorous manner.

Questions To Ask Your Boyfriend In A Romantic Setting

Read more: Why Can’t I Find A Good Man To Love Me

Have you ever wanted to ask your lover to help you set the mood? The romantic questions to ask your boyfriend may help you achieve just that, as well as allow you to learn more about your lover. Wasn’t that the goal from the start? Let’s have a look at them.

17. Which physical feature in me do you admire the most?

This is the perfect blend of flirty and naughty, and it’ll have him daydreaming about that one part of you he can’t get enough of.

18. What is the one thing I do in bed that completely astounds you?

Ask him this if you’re feeling extra mischievous. We guarantee that one thing will lead to the next.

19. What is your favorite sexual memory from our time together?

Have you been going through a dry spell? These filthy questions to ask your partner might really heat things up between you and him. Understanding what your lover enjoys is the key to getting to know him. This is a crucial question for you to understand.

20. To you, what does our relationship imply?

Even the most mundane circumstances can be made beautiful by hearing him articulate what you and the relationship mean to him.

21. What is the one thing I do for you that you really appreciate?

When thinking of romantic subjects to discuss with your lover, ask him what he values the most out of all the things you do for him and your relationship, large and small.

22. What would your ideal romantic vacation entail?

You’d go on vacations together as a couple. It’s only reasonable to want to know what your boyfriend hopes to get out of these vacations. If you prefer the mountains and he prefers the sea, you’ll have to work out a compromise that gives you the best of both worlds.

23. What one life experience would you like to share with me?

This is one of the romantic questions to ask your boyfriend that might open up a whole new universe for you as a relationship.

24. What does a romantic evening look like to you?

This is a great romantic question to ask your lover right away when you first start dating. You’ll know what to expect from your future date nights, which will help you arrange those romantic surprises for him.

25. Is it better for me to kiss your neck or nibble your earlobe?

You can really ratchet up the sexual heat between you and your lover with these naughty questions to ask him.

26. What is your most outlandish sexual fantasia?

One of the first things you should ask a person you admire is about his sexual preferences. If you ask, you’ll be astonished at how vibrant and colorful your boyfriend’s imagination is.

27. What are your thoughts on showering together?

This cheeky question may provide you with a new love ritual. And it’s a scorcher! What happens following this one is going to be fantastic for both of you.

28. What is one aspect of us that you simply adore?

This is a tried-and-true formula that never fails to work. So, if you’re running out of romantic conversation starters, ask your lover this. The solution will most likely make you giddy with delight!

29. How did your first sexual encounter go?

Looking for some personal questions to ask your lover to help you get to know him better? That’s it. As long as he feels safe discussing it, inquire about who, when, where, and, most importantly, how he felt. Asking about your first sexual encounter offers you the perfect opportunity to ask your boyfriend some nasty questions.

30. What gets your blood pumping?

This is one of the most entertaining and romantic questions you can ask your lover. Begin with a simple question regarding his turn-ons.

31. Is there something about me that makes you turn on right now?

This is one of the questions to ask a guy you like if you want to bring on some zesty energy. Then, by bringing him to the present, you may ramp up the heat. Even if he hasn’t been turned on yet, this inquiry should enough.

32. Would you date other individuals if you had the chance?

With just one inquiry, you can determine how dedicated he is to you and your relationship. Dating is complicated, and asking such questions may reveal how he really thinks about you.

33. Do you see yourself working with me in the future?

The most crucial of all the questions you should ask your lover. His willingness or hesitation to answer this question will tell you everything you need to know about your relationship with him.

34. Have you ever felt compelled to pursue a friend?

This question is especially relevant if he has a specific female buddy with whom he is overly close. This is one of the questions you should ask your partner about his ex in order to gain a better understanding of his dating history.

35. What are your thoughts on home chores being shared?

Will you be the one to run errands and do chores while working towards a career? Is he okay with cleaning the dishes, taking out the garbage, preparing a dinner every now and again, or making breakfast every morning?

36. What is one thing about us that you simply adore?

It’s sure to hurt a little when he tells you what he doesn’t like about the relationship. This is the ideal counterbalance to your prior query. It will keep you from spiraling out of control with unpleasant feelings.

37. What is your favorite sexual memory from a partner who isn’t me?

Are you feeling naughty and daring? Inquire about his previous sexual exploits in great detail. It will also give you the opportunity to ask your lover more questions about his ex.

38. Do you like to go on adventures?

Before you become too emotionally attached in your lover, you must know the answer to this question. Co-existing can be a nightmare if he’s an adrenaline junkie and you’re not, or vice versa.

39. Do you suffer from any compulsions?

This is not a question to ask on your first few dates, but if you start dating seriously, you have the right to learn about your partner’s vices and addictions.

40. What, in your opinion, is the best technique to resolve a conflict?

Every relationship has their fair share of squabbles and conflicts. As a result, this is one of the relationship questions you should ask your lover.

Read more: When Do Guys Start To Miss You After A Breakup

88 Questions to Ask Your Boyfriend

41. Have you ever cheated on your partner?

Another of those strange questions to ask your partner that he’ll have trouble answering. But because you know it’s been on your mind, go ahead and ask. These perplexing love questions often elicit fascinating responses.

42. Have you ever thought of having an open relationship?

This is one of the most difficult love questions to ask your boyfriend. This might give you a good idea of where he stands. Intimate questions like this can help you figure just how they feel about romantic relationships.

43. How do you feel about gay relationships?

When it comes to beliefs, it’s critical to know whether your partner is liberal or conservative. This is one of those queries that, without fail, will reveal the truth. They don’t have to be an outspoken supporter of LGBTQ rights, but they must not be associated with a homophobe.

44. What do you do to unwind after a busy day?

Again, knowing what his wind-down process is like is vital if you’re thinking long-term and want to end up living together at some time. It can be a recipe for disaster if you prefer to cozy up with a book while he prefers to blast music.

45. What are your thoughts on porn?

We’ve got another bizarre question for you to ask your boyfriend. You have the right to know these personal details now that you’re romantically involved.

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46. Would you expect me to join you in watching it?

Depending on how you feel about pornography in general, this could be a dirty question to ask your boyfriend or a topic for a full-fledged debate. However, you must inquire in order to learn what may be in store for you in the future.

47. What are your religious beliefs?

In terms of religious beliefs, all partners do not have to be on the same page. Firm beliefs and intolerance of differing views on god and religion, on the other hand, can be a source of contention between couples.

48. What is your favorite childhood memory?

If you’re still dating and getting to know each other, ask him this question to get a glimpse into his childhood. Our childhood experiences, after all, have an impact on our adult personalities.

49. What’s your relationship like with your siblings?

This is a great follow-up question to ask your boyfriend after you’ve asked him about his family. Also, if you’re both thinking long-term, this is a must. Knowing how close he is with his siblings and family will help you anticipate how you will interact with them in the future.

50. What does sound financial planning mean to you?

This is also one of the most important relationship questions to ask your boyfriend, particularly if you’re about to take the next step.

51. Do you owe money?

For the sake of your relationship’s health, it’s critical to be honest about your financial situation. If your partner isn’t forthcoming on this subject, don’t be afraid to inquire.

52. Are you a believer in fate?

How to know your lover is all about asking him the right questions. It’s critical to ask this question in order to comprehend his entire set of beliefs and values. They do not have to align completely with yours but this is necessary to understand him better.

53. What is the one thing you and I don’t have in common?

Sure, you have your own take on your commonalities and differences, but it’s always interesting to get a fresh perspective on things. Even more so when that perspective is your boyfriend’s.

54. What is your retirement plan for yourself?

When discussing life possibilities, take a no holds barred approach. It’ll give you an insight into what growing old with this man would look like. This question is not just important to know him, but also for you.

55. What is my one habit you can’t stand?

This is certainly one of the unique questions to ask your boyfriend. Not all the questions have to be about him, use this as an opportunity for some healthy introspection as well.

56. If you could change one thing about us, what would it be?

This is one of those relationship questions to ask your boyfriend that can help you figure out the problem areas and work on fixing them. Tread carefully and do not get paranoid at his honest answers.

57. Is there an ex you still think about?

With questions to ask your boyfriend about his ex, make sure you keep an open mind and don’t take offense. The idea here is to fortify your bond with your boyfriend and not create a reason for a rift.

After all, most of us have that one ex – the one that got away – that we tend to think about every now and again.

58. Have you kept any souvenirs from your past relationship?

A jacket, a letter, perfume, an old t-shirt – so many people have relics from their past lingering around. Does your boyfriend have them too? Ask and you shall find out.

59. Which fictional character would you dump me for?

Yes, this qualifies as a freaky question to ask your boyfriend. But then, what’s the harm in a little harmless banter?

60. Do you prefer kisses or hugs?

What is his preferred act of showing and receiving affection? Be sure to shower him with whichever he chooses. That way he’ll know that these questions you ask him aren’t just for the heck of it.

61. What is the one thing your mother cooks that you can’t have enough of?

Cookies, cakes, pies or stew…every family has a go-to recipe that they cannot get enough of. What is your boyfriend’s? You could use this information to your advantage and surprise him with this favorite meal on some special occasion.

62. How would you describe an ideal wedding?

Inching toward the big day? Or just know you will walk down the aisle with this man waiting at the other end? Ask him what his idea of an ideal wedding is. Would he prefer an intimate ceremony or a big wedding? Does he like banquets or open arrangements? Often weddings become too bride-centric while the groom becomes a sidekick.

Remember that it is the most important day of his life too, so factor in his preferences. And keep them in mind, if and when you plan the wedding.

63. How would you describe your first crush?

If your last question made the vibe too intense, lighten up the mood with cute questions to ask your boyfriend such as this. The first crush is a pleasant memory for most people.

64. What attracted you to me?

This is one of those cute questions to ask your boyfriend that also borders on romantic. You probably already know the answer, but hey, it’s a whole other experience to hear it from the horse’s mouth.

65. What do you think I admire the most in you?

This is one of those cute questions to ask your boyfriend that borders on flattery. But hey, what’s romance without it. Add a little mush to the mix for a heady concoction.

66. When did you realize you were in love with me?

Whether you’re celebrating an anniversary or just talking late into the night, this is one of those romantic and cute questions to ask your boyfriend that will always hit the nail on the head. Your question will take him back to that moment in time when he first realized he was falling in love and those warm, fuzzy feelings will come gushing to the forefront.

67. What was your first impression of me?

On a date night and can’t think of what to talk about next? Such curious questions to ask your boyfriend can take you on a trip down memory lane.

68. How have you dealt with heartbreak?

This is one of the intimate questions that will make you see his vulnerable side. Did he cry himself to sleep on many nights? Was there binge drinking and drunk calling involved? And most importantly, is he over her completely?

69. Do you cry easily?

Men have been taught to toughen up and put up a tough exterior for centuries. If your boyfriend can cry, it means he has embraced his soft side and emotional vulnerabilities. That’s an amazing trait to have in your man.

70. Who is your biggest support system?

We all have people in our lives we lean on in times of distress. To know your boyfriend fully well, you have to know what his inner circle looks like.

71. Who was your first celebrity crush?

Remember yours? Yes, that is correct. It’s common for first celebrity crushes to be both embarrassing and hilarious.

72. What’s the strangest fashion trend you’ve ever followed to the letter?

What was the one raging fashion trend from the past that your boyfriend embraced wholeheartedly and now wants to erase the memory of completely? Overalls, leather pants, strange hairdos, gel-laden hair…what was the one raging fashion trend from the past that your boyfriend embraced wholeheartedly and now wants to erase the memory of completely? There’s a significant likelihood that these outings were documented in photographs. When you find them, you’ll burst out laughing.

73. What exactly is going on in this Instagram post?

Ask him about the narrative behind the most bizarre or eccentric post you can find on his Instagram account. But don’t make it appear like you’re always tracking him on the internet.

74. What was the last thing you looked up on Google?

Ask him about his most recent Google search while you’re at it. We’re sure something intriguing will come up, and you’ll have something to speak about.

75. Which dating app were you the first to sign up for?

76. What was the worst dating app date you’ve ever had?

Apps for dating and bad dates go together like peanut butter and jelly. Inquire about his. Knowing your lover’s history and experiences is essential to getting to know him. Directly ask him this question!

77. Are you afraid of making a commitment?

This is one of those quick-fire questions to ask a man. If you’ve been with long enough and are settled in your relationship, this is something to discuss, but he hasn’t made any huge gestures indicating a long-term commitment.

78. Have you ever experimented with drugs?

This is a must-ask if you’re seeking for weird questions to ask your lover. Furthermore, it is necessary to determine whether he has taken drugs for the purpose of gaining experience, is a regular user, or is fully anti-drug. Addiction to drugs can have a negative impact on your relationship.

79. What are your thoughts on monogamy and cheating?

Inquire about his thoughts on relationship faithfulness. This is a fun method to get to know a person and learn how and what he thinks about dating and its various aspects.

80. What are your strategies for dealing with conflict?

Is he the type to address the uncomfortable or the type to keep sentiments bottled up? You must discover the truth, which is why this is one of the most important deep questions to ask your boyfriend.

81. What’s the one thing you’ve never told anyone about?

This is the question to ask if you genuinely want to discover his deepest, darkest secrets. It’s straightforward and leads to a treasure trove of information. With this direct question, you can uncover the skeletons in his closet.

82. What is it that keeps you up at night?

Another one of those personal inquiries that will help you get a better understanding of your lover by giving you a glimpse into his anxieties and insecurities.

83. What does love mean to you?

Another one of those probing inquiries to pose to your lover in order to have a deeper understanding of him. It’s also a good approach to figure out if you’d get along in the long run.

84. What would you alter about your life if you had a second chance?

This is one of those probing questions to ask your boyfriend that will reveal a lot about his life accomplishments and regrets.

85. What is the one thing about your current workplace that you despise?

One of the questions to ask a guy you like is this. Job satisfaction and professional fulfillment are essential for a person’s mental well-being. If your lover is having trouble with this, it may have an influence on your relationship as well.

86. And what is the one thing you value the most?

If he’s already expressed his feelings about everything he can’t stand about his job, ask him this question to obtain a full picture of how he sees his career as a whole.

87. What are your thoughts on how couples should divide their finances?

It’s one of the most important relationship questions you should ask your lover. Discussing finances is critical for avoiding future disagreements if you’re thinking long-term.

88. Are you able to keep a secret?

This is one of the more in-depth questions you should ask your lover, as his response will reveal a lot about his attitude on life.

It can take years to fully understand your boyfriend. While learning new things about your partner is part of the fun of falling in love, having open and honest conversations that bring you two closer together can help speed up the process.

Who wants to be in a relationship for several years before discovering their partner doesn’t share your goals or disagrees with you on critical issues?

Do you want your man to become spellbound by the very sight of You! For more in-depth training and solution to get your man be devoted and committed to you and only you, we recommend Amy North’s Devotion system, check it out by clicking on the link.

There are some interesting and amusing questions you may ask, whether you want to learn more about his high school experience, his favorite childhood memories, or how he’d feel about a long-distance relationship. One of the most enjoyable aspects of any relationship is getting to know one another, which may lead to some interesting dialogue.

There are a slew of crucial relationship questions to ask that can help you figure out if he’s “the one” for you. You’ll learn about everything from his extended family to his favorite TV shows, how he prefers to spend time alone, and what he considers excellent date evenings during the course of your relationship.

Lighten the mood by asking him funny questions that will not only make him think, but will also allow him to see your sense of humor. You might discover that you share a sense of humour.

Find out what makes your partner tick in the bedroom to get him in the mood. Not only will your sex be more intense and enjoyable, but you’ll also discover about his major turn-ons.

Continue the conversation

You don’t have to bombard each other with these personal queries at the same time. This might be exhausting because many of them dive into your previous anxieties, future goals, and most beloved values.

It’s natural for you or your spouse to be hesitant to respond due to feelings of vulnerability. Recognizing and even admiring vulnerability is key to forming a solid relationship bond.

People often try to project a strong and capable image to their spouses. Still, the healthiest relationships are formed when people are loved as whole persons, with all of their quirks and opinions. Subscribe to our Soulmate Sutra channel, a treasure trove of relationship wisdom, where we explore everything from finding your soulmate, igniting passion, navigating challenges, to fostering long-lasting harmony. Whether you’re in a budding romance or a committed partnership, our expert insights and practical advice will empower you to create the love story you’ve always dreamed of.

By Kate

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